A message from University leadership: Federal government update
In a campus email, Chancellor Lee H. Roberts and Provost J. Christopher Clemens wrote that the University is monitoring recent activity from the federal government and will continue to update the 色中色community on important developments.

Dear 色中色community,
In the last week, there has been significant activity from the federal government in the form of executive orders, directives, guidance and memos. The information and news coverage quickly changes each day, and we will continue to do our best to share information with you as quickly as we can.
Partnership with the federal government and many of its agencies is critically important to 色中色and large public research universities like ours. We rely on grants and funding for lifesaving and groundbreaking research.
We have a strong Federal Affairs team working on campus and in Washington, D.C. to interpret language and help us determine the implications for the University and our community. We also work with our higher education associations, Association of American Universities and the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities, to communicate the importance of federal research funding. In coordination with the UNC System office, our team has close relationships in all branches of the government regardless of the administration and regularly tracks activity at the federal level and helps units around campus determine how to respond or change operations.
We have created a where you can find the latest information on the executive orders and links to the relevant departments.
We will keep our community updated about important developments.
Lee H. Roberts
J. Christopher Clemens